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East Bierley CE (VC) Primary School

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British Values

The DFE (Department for Education) state that:

Schools have the responsibility to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We define British Values in the following way:

  • Democracy - We have a say in the rules.
  • Individual Liberty - We are free to be who we are.
  • The rule of the Law - We follow the same rules to keep everybody safe.
  • Mutual Respect - We treat everybody equally.


We have a number of pupil groups within school, School Council. The pupils can choose to stand for election and the pupils vote for their representatives. The groups meet regularly and make decisions on a range of school issues including organising/ raising money for charity.

The Rule of Law

Pupils are taught about our school values from the time they join East Bierley. At the beginning of each new year classes draw up their own class code with their teacher and decide the values and rules that they will have in their own class.
There are many opportunities for rewards. Our Celebration Collective Worship each week celebrates positive behaviour and attitudes both in class and at playtime and lunchtime.

Individual Liberty

Through their time at East Bierley pupils are encouraged to make choices, voicing opinions and listening to others, all within a supportive environment. Our work in Collective Worship and PSHE provides opportunities to explore and learn about a range of issues, discussing a range of opinions and making considered decisions.

Mutual Respect

We aim to be an inclusive school where all feel valued and contribute. Our pupils are treated with respect and learn to treat themselves and others with respect both within school and when representing school in the wider community.


Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that our pupils learn about a wide range of faiths and beliefs. During their time at East Bierley our pupils visit a range of places of worship and learn from a number of visitors to our school. These enable us to help our pupils to be welcoming, understanding and accepting of others.